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How Lysine Could Help with Your Canker Sore

How Lysine Could Help with Your Canker Sore

Does Lysine Work for Canker Sores?

Lysine is an essential amino acid, which means that your body cannot produce it on its own. Lysine must be obtained from an outside food source such as meat, cheese, fish, milk, and eggs.

How Does Lysine Help with Canker Sores?

There is evidence that lysine supplementation prevents canker sore outbreak as well as shortens their duration when they show up. Lysine becomes more active at the site of damage and helps speed up the healing process by facilitating the formation of collagen. Lysine is also involved in antibody responses and immune responses.

Some people get canker sore outbreaks when they have tiny invisible cuts in their mouths. Lysine facilitates the healing of these minor cuts before they have a chance to erupt into a full-blown canker sore. This could be the reason why a supplementation of lysine helps these individuals prevent outbreaks.

What Dose of Lysine Should You Take?

Lysine taken at a daily dose of 1000mg for a short duration (less than 6 months) seems effective and safe. There's some evidence that taking a higher dose up to 3000mg daily during an outbreak is effective. However, this is not proven in human trials. If you decide to take high dose lysine, be sure that it's only for a short time, such as during an outbreak.

Are There Risks With Lysine?

There are risks associated with high doses and long-term usage of lysine such as kidney damage, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Lysine can increase the absorption of calcium, so ask your doctor to check your calcium level to make sure it's not too high if you are taking lysine regularly. There is not enough evidence on the safety of lysine supplement for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Discuss with your physician if you have kidney disease or osteoporosis before taking lysine.

Sandie's Signature
Sandie Tran, Pharm.D.

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