41 Non-Irritating Food Choices for Your Mouth Ulcer (Canker Sore Friendly Diet)

When you have a canker sore or mouth sore, it seems like your world comes to a stop, because you are unable to eat, drink, or talk. You don’t want to be a whiner and try to deal with it quietly, because, after all, these are just tiny little sores that are barely visible to the people around you. However, they remind you at least three times a day during breakfast, lunch, and dinner that they have taken residence in your mouth. What can you do bring back the enjoyment you once had during your meals?
Here are some tips on food choices that may help minimize the pain from your canker sores during your meals. In addition, some of these soft foods may help speed healing because they are low in acidity and have a high protein content.
A High Protein Diet Helps Speed Healing
Food really is the best medicine, but a diet particularly high in protein will help your canker sore heal faster. Your body needs protein to help build and repair muscle, skin, and other body tissues.
A Low Carbohydrate Diet Reduces Inflammation
Carbohydrates break down to acids and may worsen your canker sores. A word of caution: You should not completely cut out carbohydrates due to the shock and stress it can cause on your body, which in turn could trigger another canker sore.
Soft Foods That are High in Protein and Low in Carbohydrates
- Shredded chicken, beef, or pork
- Tofu
- Chicken porridge
- Baked beans
- Ground meat
- Soft noodles
- Macaroni and cheese
- Tuna noodle casserole
- Egg, cheese, and bean dishes
- Mashed beans with cheese
- Lentils
- Hamburger
- Tuna salad
- Chicken salad, skip tomatoes because of the acidity
- Creamy soups and stews (cut up meat in small bits)
- Peanut butter (avoid chunky kind)
- Cottage cheese
- Pasta mixed in non-tomato sauces (consider pasta with high protein)
- Mashed potatoes (add milk for extra protein)
Seasoning That Have Soothing Effects
- For seasoning, try basil, parsley, bay leaves, rosemary, and oregano which have soothing and healing effects.
- Mix food with butter, margarine, thin gravy, olive oil or sauce to make it easier to swallow.
Cold Foods That Help Numb the Pain
- Smoothies made with non-acidic fruits, add protein powder
- Ice cream
- Milkshake
- Yogurt
- Popsicles
- Gelatin
- Sherbet
- Custard
- Frozen fruits such as grapes, cantaloupe, watermelon
- Frozen ice cubes, or frozen apple juice cubes
- Apple sauce
- Peaches in syrup
- Melons
Breakfast choices
- Soft, moistened bread
- Hard boiled, scrambled eggs, sunny side up
- Cooked cereals
- Instant oatmeal
- Pancakes
- Instant grits
- Creamed wheat
- Creamed rice
- Cold cereals soaked in milk
As you can see, just because you have a canker sore doesn’t mean you must suffer through a liquid or protein shake diet. There are many delicious options to choose from to provide your body the nutrients it needs to heal.