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23 Foods Associated with Canker Sore (with pH values)

23 Foods Associated with Canker Sore (with pH values)

The appearance of a canker sore can mean that in the next week or two, you won’t get to enjoy the foods that you love the same way. After all, how can you enjoy your meal when, with every bite of your favorite food, the sore bites you right back? 

Fortunately, there are still plenty of delicious food options that are ulcer friendly. Along the same lines of wanting to eat foods that are soothing to your mouth ulcers, you'll also want to avoid foods that can trigger or worsen them. Below is a list of the common culprits to watch out for. In time, you will become an expert in which of these are your personal triggers.

Acidic foods

For some people, an acidic environment puts their mouths at risk for developing canker sores. While you don't have to cut these out completely, you may want to start with cutting out a few at a time. After all, these foods could be your favorites and contain important nutrients, and you don’t want to cut them out of your diet if they are not clearly the cause.

Acidity is measured using a value called pH from a scale of 0-14. The higher the number, the less acidic the food. Zero is the highest level of acidity; 14 is the lowest acidity level. Our bodies function best at a neutral pH of 7. Below is a list of common acidic foods and their pH values (<7).

  • Citrus (2)
  • Tomatoes/spaghetti (3-4)
  • Strawberries (3-3.5)
  • Cranberry juice (2.6)
  • Apples (4)
  • Grapes (2.8-3.5)
  • Plums (2.8-4)
  • Pomegranate (3.0)
  • Raspberries (3-4)
  • Chocolate (5)
  • Figs (4.6)
  • Bananas (4.5-4.7)
  • Wine (2.9-4.2)
  • Beer (4.0-4.5)
  • Pickles (3-3.5)
  • Sauerkraut (3.5)
  • Soda (2.5-4.5)
  • Coffee (4.8-5.1)

Foods that can cause trauma to the mouth

For others, a tiny invisible scratch inside their mouths can erupt into a full-blown ulcer. For these people, avoiding foods that are sharp or hard may be the answer. Some examples include:

  • Chips
  • Nuts
  • Pretzels
  • Salty, spicy foods

Final Thoughts

Because there are so many different factors that could cause the appearance of canker sores, this simple health issue has escaped science for a cure. Some people swear that acidic foods trigger their canker sore, while others believe an overgrowth of harmful bacteria is the cause. Some people say yogurt (which is acidic) makes their canker sores worse and others say it is a miracle cure because it contains active live cultures that help push out harmful bacteria and restore healthy bacteria. Both may be true.

For this reason, you may consider keeping a food journal to help determine your personal triggers to guide your food choices and treatment options. Equipped with information, you will become a specialist in your own canker sore treatment journey.

Sandie's Signature

Sandie Tran, Pharm.D.

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